Your Greatness Is Not What You Have... It Is What You Give!

We are Roben (pronounced Robin) and Cam Green

As parents of two grown boys who love to play sports, we get how busy life can be.

We also know that no matter how busy you think you  are, you have to take time to make  your health a priority!

"If you don't take care of your health today, you will be forced to take care of your illness tomorrow" - Deepak Chopra

In January 2020 our family was put to the challenge when I was diagnosed with cancer, we were told if I did nothing I would have about 9 months to live, but with chemotherapy I would have about a 90% chance of surviving.

Being a family who likes to keep things natural, pumping chemo through my body was not very appealing but with little time for anything else, it seemed like the best option.

Long story short, 6 month’s later chemo was over and the test came back all clear and cancer free. YEEEHAAA!!


4 month's into chemo
Roben took such good care of me ,
I wouldn't have gotten through this without her.
She is my rock and I am hers.

Best news ever right, but the truth was my whole body was in rough shape due to the chemotherapy and the doctor said it would take 6-9 months to recover. 

My wife Roben had been on the hunt for some natural supplements to help build my immune system back up and that’s when she talked to a friend and distributor for B-Epic who introduced us to the “EPIC Customer Pack“.

We read through a bunch of the testimonials from the 100% Epic group on Facebook and seen all the incredible health benefits people were having taking this 3 vitamin system and thought ok we better give this a try.

Within a few days my energy was through the roof, the nausea that I woke up with every morning was completely gone, and I was sleeping through the night. Within a month Roben and I were back in the gym working out, chemo brain was disappearing, my memory was getting better and because of the life changing benefits we both felt, we decided to partner up with B-Epic to promote these amazing supplements ourselves.


When You Find Something That Helps Give Your Life Back You Really Want to Share It With The World

BEpic Epic Customer Pack Elev8 and Acceler8 Natural Vitamins